While sustainable design and green building may be the fastest growing area of the construction world, there are a few things that you should be aware of when considering the materials used in a remodel or new construction. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a variety of chemicals that are emitted as gases from certain solids and liquids. They are often emitted from materials used inside of houses, and concentrations of VOCs are always higher indoor.
Have you ever thought about that what causes that “new car” smell, or the smell of new carpet? Those are VOC’s, and you are smelling the results of a process known as “off gassing.” VOC’s can be found in building materials, furnishings, carpets, wood flooring, furniture polish, spot removers, pine cleaners, moth balls, air freshers, nail polish and many more common household and construction items. These VOCs can cause nausea, asthma symptoms, and prolonged exposure can even cause cancer.
Nor-Cal Floor Design customers can rest assured that we make every effort to use zero VOC engineered materials and finishes, using glues that are virtually formaldehyde-free. Call us to discuss your flooring project knowing that your health is our primary concern. We are constantly striving to provide quality, safe, long-lasting flooring options.
To find out if products used or stored in your home contain VOC’s, visit this website: http://hpd.nlm.nih.gov/products.htm